Today’s fast competing and ever changing circumstances in the society has enforced the individuals to understand the market dynamics and to study different dimensions of life. The abilities and potentials of mentally disabled children have not been recognized and fully explored which is a loss to the society, if discovered and properly channelized they can contribute to the development of society. Dar-ul-Sukun had so many people there of different ages and majority of them posses the capacity to do many things like we do as a normal human being. These children are given special care, many old women over there devote their time to these people, and hence, helped them in grooming themselves and to become a respectable and a well mannered person.
Many researches have been conducted on mentally disabled children. These researches have been conducted in various countries based on different criteria’s. According to the research done by Dr. Frank R. Wilson, assistant clinical professor of neurology at the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, which stated that if a child learns to play a musical instrument it will help him to develop faster physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. He even concludes that this instrument helps to improve coordination, concentration, memory and improvement in eyesight and hearing as well. Lastly he states in his research that achievement in music performance allows mentally handicapped children to achieve well in other areas and helps to build in self-confidence.
Internationally a lot of steps are taken to cater to the needs of people and forums have been made where these people can speak and interact with the rest of the world. This makes them feel as a part of society and enhances their learning process. An initiative to create an African Disability Forum is made where it will provide the platform to speak with one voice, interact with others, improve rights protection and will be open for the entire economy not only for organizations in Africa. Another is the World Programme of Action which is for all the nations and is aimed at promoting effective measures for prevention of disability and making citizens realize the full participation of disabled persons in social life and development and emphasizing on equality between all the members of the nation.
Thus, Pakistan should adopt these measures and should implement them. In this way it will provide a platform for the disabled children to raise their voice and to interact with the rest of the world. We should learn what steps are taken for the disabled people internationally and follow in their footsteps.
Zubeda Rafiq