Friday, December 3, 2010

Are we humans or are we dancers?

Most of you remember the song. This is the song which is probably going on continuously in the heads of those who are mentally and even physically disabled.

No one wants to be left behind; no one wants to be forgotten. They all have a story to tell, they all want to be heard. No one wants to be left alone.

Those who can, wonder, why them? And almost all of them do NOT have the answer. We cannot help them find the answer, that is true but we can sure help ease the pain.

Remember; attention, love and support are all the things a person needs to remember that he or she is human. That is exactly what they want.

To come to think of it, most of the times, it’s what WE crave for as well. Are we any different then?

If we don’t get left behind, why should they? Think about it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jenny- A Symbol of Patience

Jenny in a delighted mood
to meet new friends
 “Every year I wait for Christmas because this is the time when my family comes and takes me home.” This was the hope that Jenny shared with me at Dar-ul-Sukoon while looking towards the door anxiously. Life for her is just waiting for her family every year. Is it her fault that she is not mentally fit? Is it her fault she minds work slower than others of her age? Is it fair to throw someone out of home because he/she is not mentally fit? People do so as they are afraid of their so-called social status and position in front of others.

Jenny-a woman with the age of 50 years was told that she is a child and keeping her alone at home is dangerous for her. She might get kidnapped when her brother, father and sister-in-law are in office. It was the reason given to Jenny in order to get rid of her by sending to Dar-ul-Sukoon. Now, Life for Jenny is to wait for just one day every year so that she can go home and meet her relatives. She was aware of all the festivals going on across the country. She knew about Eid which were few days before our visit. Also, she was aware of the dewali date which was yet to come and referring to that she counted the number of days left for Christmas. It was evident that her mental state was not that worse to leave her at a place like Dar-ul-sukoon.

Well, everything happens for a good reason and if Jenny’s relatives left her at Dar-ul-Sukoon it was surely good for her. May be they were unaware of her worth and importance. She is not mentally challenged but a woman with special qualities and strong will. People at Dar-ul-Sukoon need love and attention to share their problems with others. They need people who can sit with them and listen to their sad stories. Let’s give them few hours of our lives to change their lives.

Nasim Gul Soomro

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Do you know?

Today’s fast competing and ever changing circumstances in the society has enforced the individuals to understand the market dynamics and to study different dimensions of life. The abilities and potentials of mentally disabled children have not been recognized and fully explored which is a loss to the society, if discovered and properly channelized they can contribute to the development of society. Dar-ul-Sukun had so many people there of different ages and majority of them posses the capacity to do many things like we do as a normal human being. These children are given special care, many old women over there devote their time to these people, and hence, helped them in grooming themselves and to become a respectable and a well mannered person.

Many researches have been conducted on mentally disabled children. These researches have been conducted in various countries based on different criteria’s. According to the research done by Dr. Frank R. Wilson, assistant clinical professor of neurology at the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, which stated that if a child learns to play a musical instrument it will help him to develop faster physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. He even concludes that this instrument helps to improve coordination, concentration, memory and improvement in eyesight and hearing as well. Lastly he states in his research that achievement in music performance allows mentally handicapped children to achieve well in other areas and helps to build in self-confidence.

Internationally a lot of steps are taken to cater to the needs of people and forums have been made where these people can speak and interact with the rest of the world. This makes them feel as a part of society and enhances their learning process. An initiative to create an African Disability Forum is made where it will provide the platform to speak with one voice, interact with others, improve rights protection and will be open for the entire economy not only for organizations in Africa. Another is the World Programme of Action which is for all the nations and is aimed at promoting effective measures for prevention of disability and making citizens realize the full participation of disabled persons in social life and development and emphasizing on equality between all the members of the nation.

Thus, Pakistan should adopt these measures and should implement them. In this way it will provide a platform for the disabled children to raise their voice and to interact with the rest of the world. We should learn what steps are taken for the disabled people internationally and follow in their footsteps.

Zubeda Rafiq

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life - The coming

Rise of Heroes

Dar ul Sukun - The beginning

Nature’s biggest gift

The human mind is undoubtedly a miracle and a gift bestowed upon us by the Creator. The beauty of thought, the intrigue of imagination and the power of reasoning are a few of the many attributes that a well trained brain enhances. Through these natural endowments, we learn and develop self control, the art of planning and abstract thought.
It is said that ‘the human eye is utterly passive, only the brain can see’. This means that all our bodily functions are controlled by the brain. Simple body movements like raising a finger to standing up on our two feet could not have been possible without the brain, which controls the entire nervous system. In essence, all of us are completely dependent upon the complex and ingenious biological mechanism that resides in our skulls and processes information seamlessly to construct the most perfect of bodily integrations.
Yes readers, a properly functioning brain is a miracle, a miracle that we take for granted. Take a moment to think about life without it. A life without thinking, a life without reasoning, a life without purpose! Now think of people who are mentally challenged. What lives do they lead? What purpose do their lives have? What fault is theirs in being dependent upon someone else, to be taken to the toilet and be cleaned after? 
It is not their fault that they have not been granted with this greatest of nature’s gifts. Yet they are special, special because they need us, we who have the mental power to look after them and not shun them but accept them with open arms and love them. Yes such a branch of special people reside in Dar-ul-Sukun in Karachi.
When I went there with the rest of my classmates for a university project, till the time I actually entered Dar-ul-Sukun, it was just a project. Like every student, I wanted my marks and to get done with the course smoothly but believe me the moment I entered that institution, my mind was engulfed by the strongest feeling of helplessness I have ever experienced. I could not believe that a world like this could exist, that injustice of this manner could be done to such a magnitude by nature.
The special people over there need us, need our love and affection. All that they crave for is a little bit of our precious times. The patients over there have varying degrees of mental illness, and some can react more and are more aware of their senses than others. All in all however, all occupants are incapable of living normal lives and becoming a part of normal society. That is why when we went there to have a little party, with snacks and music and a bit of dancing, they swarm in flocks and took our lead. We all became a merry little group, ignoring the outside world and making a temporary little world of our own there.

The little world that we built then, needs to be made more often and you can’t build it by money, for they are only bills at the end of the day. Cash donations along with personal interaction can bring smiles to the faces of many special children in Dar-ul-Sukun, across Pakistan and throughout the globe. Let’s come together today to make a pledge, for doing whatever we can in our capacities to bring moments of happiness and joy to those who have forgotten how to laugh and smile.
Use your mind well, for you are lucky to have it!
Obaid Patel

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life gifted to us by God… Are we happy about it?

Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope.
-Tom Head

Imagine life as a part of the big game which revolves around five imperative features to which we tend to give importance and value. You must be wondering what are those five factors on which our life is based upon? Our life is linked with those factors and we all tend to compete with each other for that with the greed for more, but is this what life is all about?

These five factors are work, health, family, friends and spirit. All we care about is these things in life, only think about ourselves but what about those people who are living in dark, who are waiting for us to give them light and hope. Imagine the life, pain and suffering that special people go through. All they crave for is love, tender care, want to be heard and interact with the rest of  the world and share their pain.

Even though we all are living a lavish life but are we happy and content with all that we have? We aern’t and we still crave for more, we have a propensity to only think about ourselves and compare and compete with others. People with disabilities need our special attention since they are neglected by us and are deprived of love and recognition by the society.

By our support, love and care we can change their life, we can make them part of our community, network and helping them to forget all their worries and sufferings. Today’s youth is passionate about changing the gravest issues of our society and working for its betterment and welfare. Lets join hands and work together in promoting LIFE! Life for all special people around us. Make a difference in their life, who need us and are underprivileged.

Join!/letsgiveLIFE and help us to change their life. Remember, your support to the cause will bring a huge difference in their lives and will lead to a big change in the society and how we treat the special people in it. So what are you waiting for, JOIN in!!..

Zubeda Rafiq

Friday, November 12, 2010

Life as we know it… Or is it?

“I'm speaking of course of the disabled. They have stated they don't want a handout but just a hand. We are happy to give them one.” 
-- Carl Karcher

It was a simple day in October, when a group of students, including me visited, Dar-ul-Sukoon, a local home for the mentally challenged, for our university project. A day that was supposed to be just ordinary actually turned out to be an eye opener.

We live in a world, where our worries range from what shoes to wear, to how to get our assignments done on time or to come up with an excellent excuse, which we can give our parents to stay out late. There are probably more, but I’m presuming, most of you get the point of what I’m talking about.

Every morning, we wake up, ready to face everything the world has to offer, whether good or bad, but it is what we do. Ever wonder, that there are people, who wake up, to nothingness? Ever wonder, that there people who may never know, what life is all about? Ever wonder, that there are kids who do not even know what it feels like when you put your head in your mother’s lap and all the worries of the world just seem to fade away? Ever wonder, that there are people, who if know what a family is, crave for just a glimpse of their own? I’m sure some of you do think about it but haven’t gotten a chance to do something about and then there are some who are completely unaware. It’s okay; there is still time to change it.

That one day at, Dar-ul-Sukoon, believe it or not, showed me how to appreciate the little things life has to offer. I am not going to go on and on about what it was like. I’d rather show you.
Dar-ul-Sukoon, was just the beginning. It’s never too late take the first step. Put your hand forward and help those who are truly in need. All that they need is a little love and support.
Join and help us promote the cause. Make a difference in the lives of those who truly need it, wherever you are.Remember, it is the little things in life that matter. Your one little step, will lead to big change in someone’s life.

By Reem Arif, SZABIST

PROJECT: Life For Everyone

Mankind. Despite all our technology and our scientific breakthroughs, remains to be a fragile species. We refuse to acknowledge all that was and has been given to us. Simple things we take for granted, such as intellect, the ability to rationalize, question and to judge.

Some people are not that fortunate. They have not been bestowed with the same gifts as we have. But that does not imply that they are any less value to the Society. It is from these individuals that we learn the art of humility and the we learn to gauge the phenomenal value of all that is given to us. As humans given this gift, it is our responsibility to spend time with these individuals who're often shunned to one side as outcasts as they are unable to fend for themselves. As students but most importantly, as inhabitants of this planet given the ability to think, it is our moral duty to make these individuals feel as if they are still a part of society. Life is given to everyone. Live it for everyone.